Justin Cooper
July 24, 1982 – July 9, 2024
Dear Coalition Partners, I am writing with a heavy heart today to share that our dear friend and Illinois Partners’ Board Member, Justin Cooper, passed away earlier this week. At 41 years old, his life ended far too soon. This is a heartbreaking time for all of us who had the privilege of knowing him.
Justin’s life was committed to advocacy, rooted in his lived experience as a disabled black man born and raised in activist family in Chicago. As an artist and an activist, his work and leadership reflected the intersection of his identities. He was the head marshal of Chicago’s Disability Pride Parade, a documentarian with his series the Wheelchair Chronicles, a community organizer, an incredible photographer and so much more. As a member of our Board of Directors for the past three years and co-Chair of our Equity Committee, he led with his heart and made our organization better. He reflected the best of our coalition, and encouraged us to push forward in living out our values.
This last year of his life was a reminder that all too often, our friends and community members with disabilities must navigate too many arduous and ineffective systems to get the support that they need. Justin deserved ease and care, and often did not find it in our health and human service systems. His experience is a reminder of the work we must do to ensure that life-giving, community care is accessible to everyone.
I miss Justin – his smile, his shoulder shimmies, and the way he shined so brightly in our community. Please join us in honoring his life and legacy.
With care,