What Are Human Services?


Human services play an intrinsic part in fostering the potential that we all have to offer by providing an infrastructure of well-being that supports all members of society. This includes ensuring that we have the essential elements to build and maintain our physical, emotional, and economic well-being at every phase of life.  

Human Service in Illinois

Well-being is built. It needs a sturdy foundation at the start to keep it standing through all kinds of weather. Just as poor construction can make a house unstable, the well-being of people who haven’t received enough support in life can be threatened when they don’t have the resources to weather life’s storms. Human service professionals design and implement services that create the sturdy foundation for well-being, maintain it over time, and repair the foundation when neded.  


  • Early childhood services that foster healthy growth and development, including child care and home visiting programs. 
  • After school programs that provide mentoring, safe spaces, and social resources for young children and teens.
  • Job training and workforce development initiatives that help adults acquire the skills they need to find and keep good jobs.
  • Support that helps older adults remain healthy and connected to their communities.  
  • Services to ensure people with physical and mental disabilities have the support they need to do well in life.
  • Providing and advocating for the resources everyone needs to thrive, such as safe and stable homes, good nutrition, and health and mental health services.  

How to Create a Strong Human Services Network in Illinois

Our human services network, from big cities to the suburbs to rural communities, must be well-managed, maintained, and fully funded for people in Illinois to reach their full potential.  

Illinois Partners is a resolute leader with a dedicated team focused on working with coalition partners, legislators, and key stakeholders, to ensure positive outcomes for our residents in the areas of quality services, measurable results, and adequate resources.


  • Apply best practices 
  • Sound fiscal management and operating systems 
  • Good stewardship of public funds, donations


  • Timely reimbursements to providers 
  • Covers full cost of efficient service delivery 
  • Investments in building, equipment and facility maintenance, and program administration 
  • Keeps pace with demand  


  • Meaningful outcomes  
  • Funding decisions driven by performance 
  • Transparent evaluation based on program outcomes  

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Human services matter to ALL of us.