This year we launched our training and technical assistance program for human service professionals.
Thank you to all of you who participated in our inaugural Reframing Aging training series. In these training sessions, we shared strategies and examples to build a new narrative about aging and human services.
We were excited to see a wide representation from geographic and service areas. Illinois Partners is committed to supporting you along the Reframing Journey with free technical assistance for anyone who attends our training.
Our training team holds office hours every Thursday morning to review communications, explore implementation strategies, and share resources. We are here as a thought partner to expand your capacity to adapt communication strategies and move towards equitable solutions for aging and well-being.
Reach out to Katherine Cavanaugh, Training Manager, to set up a conversation or use our Calendly link. If you missed this first training series, we hope that you can join us in September for our next reframing training.
Thank you to our coalition partner, Age Options, for inviting us to deliver training for their staff. We enjoyed our conversation focused on intersectionality and equity in aging. If you would like to host training for your staff and supporters, please contact Katherine Cavanaugh to discuss how we can tailor our training to meet organizational needs and priorities.
We are also excited to launch our new racial equity training for human service leaders. Please join us for a webinar on August 6th at 1pm. We will share an overview of new training opportunities for individuals and groups committed to advancing racial equity in our sector. Register today.
In partnership,
Adela and Katherine
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