Congratulations to our coalition partner ACCESS Living and all of the advocates who successfully pushed for the elimination of a subminimum wage for employees with disabilities.
In November, the Illinois legislature passed the Dignity in Pay Act HB 793 which will phase out the sub-minimum wage for workers with disabilities by 2029. The Dignity in Pay Act amends the Department of Human Services Act to require elimination of the use of active or pending 14(c) certificates authorized under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as well as authorizations permitted under the Minimum Wage Law to pay an employee with a disability less than the minimum wage. The Act also creates the Transition Grant Fund, subject to appropriation, to aid in the transition away from subminimum wages for employees with disabilities. Read the statement from ACCESS Living for more details.
The bill is headed to the Governor’s desk for signature. Governor Pritzker issued a statement describing the Act as “an unprecedented, crucial leap forward to a future where all individuals, regardless of ability, can maximize their talents and contributions to our workforce—and earn a fair wage. ”The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) celebrated the historic moment and shared photos on the IDHS Facebook page.
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